
Title Document Category Document Date Sort ascending Download File
Volatile Oraganic Compounds (VOCs) Fact Sheet Fact sheet VOCsFactSheet.pdf
Transcript of the March 7, 2023 Biomonitoring California Scientific Guidance Panel Meeting Transcript 030723SGPTranscript.pdf
Discussion Questions - Presentation to the March 7, 2023 Scientific Guidance Panel meeting Presentation DiscQues030723.pdf
Matthew MacLeod - Presentation at the March 7, 2023 SGP meeting Presentation MacLeod030723.pdf
Community Biomonitoring Update - Presentation at the March 2023 Scientific Guidance Panel Meeting Presentation CommunityBiomUpdate030723.pdf
Program Update - Presentation at March 2023 SGP meeting Presentation ProgramUpdate030723.pdf
Summary of Panel Input and Recommendations - November 2022 Meeting summary SGPSummary111822.pdf
Agenda for the March 7, 2023 Scientific Guidance Panel Meeting Agenda SGPAgenda03072023.pdf
Transcript of the November 18, 2022 Biomonitoring California Scientific Guidance Panel Meeting Transcript 111822SGPTranscript.pdf
Expanded BEST unweighted results Other EBEST_unweighted_results.pdf
FRESSCA Mujeres - Presentation to the November 18, 2022 Scientific Guidance Panel Meeting Presentation FRESSCA_Mujeres111822.pdf
Program Update - Presentation at the November 2022 Scientific Guidance Panel Meeting Presentation ProgramUpdate111822.pdf
Plan for 2023 SGP meetings - Presentation to the November 2022 SGP Presentation 2023SGPMeetingPlan.pdf
Summary of Panel Input and Recommendations - July 2022 Meeting summary SGPSummary072222.pdf
Agenda for the November 18, 2022 Scientific Guidance Panel Meeting Agenda SGPAgenda11182022.pdf
Program Update - Presentation at the July 2022 Scientific Guidance Panel Meeting Presentation ProgramUpdate072222.pdf
Community Biomonitoring Update - Presentation at the July 2022 Scientific Guidance Panel Meeting Presentation
List of Designated Chemicals - July 2022 Chemical list DesignatedChemicalsList_July2022.pdf
List of Priority Chemicals - July 2022 Chemical list PriorityChemicalsList_July2022.pdf
California Regional Exposure Study: Findings from Los Angeles County Document CARE_LA_findings.pdf
Estudio de Exposición Regional De California (CARE): Hallazgos del condado de Los Ángeles Document Hallazgos de CARE_LA..pdf
Agenda for the July 22, 2022 Scientific Guidance Panel Meeting Agenda SGPAgenda07222022.pdf
Transcript of the March 25, 2022 Biomonitoring California Scientific Guidance Panel Meeting Transcript 032522SGPTranscript.pdf
Discussion Questions - Presentation to the March 25, 2022 Scientific Guidance Panel meeting Presentation DiscQues032522.pdf
AB 617 Biomonitoring Update and Planning - Presentation at the March 25, 2022 Scientific Guidance Panel Meeting Presentation AB617UpdatePlanning032522.pdf