Other Bisphenols

Structure of bisphenol S (BPS)
- Designated Chemical
- Priority Chemical
- Chemical not currently measured by Biomonitoring California
Biomonitoring California Information
Documents, Presentations, and Publications
Potential Designated Chemicals: p,p’-Bisphenols and Diglycidyl Ethers of p,p’-Bisphenols | Scientific document | : Potential Designated Chemicals: p,p’-Bisphenols and Diglycidyl Ethers of p,p’-Bisphenols
Potential Designated Chemicals: p,p'-bisphenols and diglycidyl ethers of p,p'-bisphenols | Presentation | : Potential Designated Chemicals: p,p'-bisphenols and diglycidyl ethers of p,p'-bisphenols
Potential Priority Chemicals: p,p'-Bisphenols and Diglycidyl Ethers of p,p'-Bisphenols | Scientific document | : 041113Bisphenols_priority.pdf
Potential Priority Chemicals: p,p'-Bisphenols and Diglycidyl Ethers of p,p'-Bisphenols | Scientific document | : 041113Bisphenols_priority.pdf
Preliminary Screen: Some Bisphenol A Substitutes and Structurally Related Compounds | Scientific document | : 031612PrelimScreen2.pdf