Bisphenol S (BPS)

Bisphenol S (BPS) is part of polyethersulfone (PES) plastic, which is used to make hard plastic items and synthetic fibers for clothing and other textiles. BPS may also be used to make colors last longer in some fabrics. It is a common replacement for BPA in some types of paper receipts, and is also in protective coatings inside some food cans. Consumer products marketed as “BPA-free” might contain BPS.
- Bisphenol S (BPS) is part of the group of Other Bisphenols. Click here to learn more about this group of chemicals.
- Bisphenol S (BPS) is part of the group of p,p'-Bisphenols. Click here to learn more about this group of chemicals.
BPS is found in:
- Hard PES plastic in a variety of items, such as:
- Baby bottles.
- Microwave-safe dishes and containers.
- Parts of electronics, like screens for mobile phones and calculators.
- Heat-resistant parts used in automobile engines, industrial machinery, medical equipment, and other applications.
- Some clothing, including baby socks and onesies, sportswear, and raingear.
- Fabrics used for blankets, curtains, pillows, and furniture upholstery.
- Coatings in some food cans and nonstick pans.
- Some receipts printed on smooth shiny paper, such as from cash registers or gas pumps.
Possible health concerns of BPS:
- May interfere with the body’s natural hormones.
- Might affect the reproductive system.
- Might harm the developing fetus and infant.
Possible ways to reduce exposure to BPS:
- Eat less canned food and more fresh food.
- Choose glass or stainless steel containers for storing food and drinks.
- Avoid microwaving plastic containers.
- Breastfeed your infant if you can. For bottle-feeding, use glass bottles.
- Read labels on clothing and other fabrics, and avoid items made from “polyethersulfone” or “PES” fabric.
- Choose an electronic receipt, or no receipt, when possible. If you work as a cashier or otherwise frequently handle receipts, wear nitrile gloves.
- Because BPS can come out of products and collect in dust:
- Wash your and your child’s hands often, especially before preparing or eating food.
- Clean your floors regularly, using a wet mop or HEPA vacuum if possible, and use a damp cloth to dust.