Results for Chemical Groups

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Results on page last updated:

Chemical Group: Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs)

  • Measured in: Urine

Project: Biomonitoring Exposures Study (BEST) - 1.Pilot

Unweighted Results

Chemical measured Indicates Exposure to Units Number of people tested Geometric mean 95% Confidence Interval Selected Percentiles Detection Frequency Limit of Detection (LOD), wet-weight
Lower Upper 25th 50th 75th 95th
2-FLUO Fluorene pg/mL 109 246 198 305 121 232 387 2,290 100.0% 20 pg/mL

Project: Biomonitoring Exposures Study (BEST) - 2.Expanded

Weighted Results

Chemical measured Indicates Exposure to Units Number of people tested Geometric mean 95% Confidence Interval Selected Percentiles Detection Frequency Limit of Detection (LOD), wet-weight Notes
Lower Upper 25th 50th 75th 95th
2-FLUO Fluorene pg/mL 218 201 164 245 118 209 325 922 98.4% 20 pg/mL
2-FLUO Fluorene ng/g creatinine 218 219 185 260 127 178 299 1,160 98.4% 20 pg/mL

Project: Firefighter Occupational Exposures (FOX) Project

  • Study Group Subset: Firefighters

Unweighted Results

Chemical measured Indicates Exposure to Units Number of people tested Geometric mean 95% Confidence Interval Selected Percentiles Detection Frequency Limit of Detection (LOD), wet-weight
Lower Upper 25th 50th 75th 95th
2-FLUO Fluorene ng/L 101 172 149 198 98.4 185 297 510 100% 20.0

Project: Maternal and Infant Environmental Exposure Project (MIEEP)

  • Study Group Subset: Pregnant women

Unweighted Results

Chemical measured Indicates Exposure to Units Number of people tested Geometric mean 95% Confidence Interval Selected Percentiles Limit of Detection (LOD), wet-weight
Lower Upper 25th 50th 75th 90th
2-FLUO Fluorene ng/L 88 192 157 235 96.0 188 311 529 20.0