
Title Document Category Document Date Sort ascending Download File
Second Report to the Legislature - Appendix A: California Health and Safety Code establishing Biomonitoring California Report 2013AppendixA.pdf
Second Report to the Legislature - Appendix D: Biomonitoring California Designated and Priority Chemical Lists Report 2013AppendixD.pdf
Second Report to the Legislature - Appendix G: Letter from the Chair of the Scientific Guidance Panel Supporting Biomonitoring California Priorities Report 2013AppendixG.pdf
Second Report to the California Legislature: Executive Summary (5 pages) Report BiomCALegRptv2013Exec.pdf
Second Report to the Legislature: Report text only without Appendices Report BioMonCALegRptv2013_noapp.pdf
Second Report to the Legislature - Appendix B: Scientific Guidance Panel Members Report 2013AppendixB.pdf
Second Report to the Legislature - Appendix E: Agenda and Summary of Findings from March 2011 Biomonitoring California Workshop on Understanding and Interpreting Biomonitoring Results Report 2013AppendixE.pdf
Second Report the the Legislature - Appendix H: Acronyms Used in this Report Report 2013AppendixH.pdf
Complete Second Report to the California Legislature Report BioMonCALegRptv2013.pdf
Second Report to the Legislature - Appendix C: Summaries of Recommendations Made by Panel Members at Recent Scientific Guidance Panel Meetings Report 2013AppendixC.pdf
Second Report to the Legislature - Appendix F: Biomonitoring California Brochure (English and Spanish Versions) Report 2013AppendixF.pdf
Complete Second Report to the California Legislature Report BioMonCALegRptv2013.pdf
Second Report to the Legislature: One page summary Report BiomLegReport2013_OnePager.pdf
Summary of Panel Recommendations - November 2012 meeting Meeting summary MeetingSummaryNovember2012.pdf
Bisphenol A (BPA) Fact Sheet Fact sheet BisphenolAFactSheet.pdf
Benzophenone-­‐3 (Oxybenzone) Fact Sheet Fact sheet FactSheet-Benzophenone3.pdf
Manganese Fact Sheet Fact sheet ManganeseFactSheet.pdf
Organochlorine Pesticides Fact Sheet Fact sheet OrganochlorinePesticidesFactSheet.pdf
Perfluorochemicals (PFCs) Fact Sheet Fact sheet PFCsFactSheet.pdf
Triclosan Fact Sheet Fact sheet TriclosanFactSheet.pdf
4-­t-Octylphenol Fact Sheet Fact sheet 4-t-OctylphenolFactSheet.pdf
Phthalates Fact Sheet Fact sheet FactSheet-Phthalates.pdf
Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) Fact Sheet Fact sheet PAHsFactSheet.pdf
Arsenic Fact Sheet Fact sheet ArsenicFactSheet.pdf
Lead Fact Sheet Fact sheet LeadFactSheet.pdf