
Title Document Category Document Date Sort ascending Download File
Third Report to the Legislature - Legislative Highlight Report Report CECBP-Third_Report_Highlight.pdf
CDC's National Biomonitoring Program and NHANES update 2015 Presentation NHANES_NBP_Update031315.pdf
Environmental Chemistry Laboratory Update - March 2015 Presentation ECL_Update031315.pdf
Summary of Panel Recommendations - November 2014 Meeting summary SGPMeetingSummaryNovember2014.pdf
Potential Designated Chemicals: Perfluoroalkyl and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFASs) Scientific document PotenDesigPFASs_031315.pdf
Agenda for Scientific Guidance Panel Meeting March 13, 2015 Agenda SGPAgenda031315.pdf
ECL Publications - Updated Nov 2014 Other ECL_Publication_List-11-2014.pdf
EHL Publications 2008-2014 Other EHL Publications 2008-2014.pdf
Transcript of the November 6, 2014 Biomonitoring California Scientific Guidance Panel Meeting Transcript 11062014SGPTranscript_Final.pdf
DEET Fact Sheet Fact sheet DEET_FactSheet.pdf
Perchlorate Fact Sheet Fact sheet PerchlorateFactSheet.pdf
Public Comment from Barbara Sattler, UCSF School of Public Health - November 6, 2014 SGP Meeting Public comment SattlerUCSF_comment.pdf
Public Comment from California Air Resources Board Public comment CaliforniaAirResourcesBoard_comment.pdf
Public Comment from Global Community Monitor - November 6, 2014 SGP Meeting Public comment GlobalCommunityMonitor_comment.pdf
SGP letter of support for Program funding Meeting document SGP_Letter110614_signed.pdf
Environmental Health Laboratory Update – November 2014 Presentation EHL_Update110614.pdf
Public Comment from Commonweal Biomonitoring Resource Center - November 6, 2014 SGP Meeting Public comment Commonweal_comment.pdf
Public Comment from the Truck and Engine Manufacturers Association Public comment TruckEngineManufacturersAssociation_comment.pdf
Program Update - November 2014 Presentation ProgramUpdate110614.pdf
Environmental Chemistry Laboratory Update - November 2014 Presentation ECL_Update110614.pdf
Evaluation of Activities under the CDC Cooperative Agreement 2009-2014 Presentation Arnesen110614.pdf
Biological Monitoring of Human Exposure to Diesel Exhaust Presentation Simpson110614.pdf
Agenda Planning for 2015 Scientific Guidance Panel Meetings Presentation SGP_AgendaPlanning2015.pdf
Challenges in biomonitoring exposure to diesel exhaust Presentation Marty110614.pdf
List of Possible Agenda Topics for 2015 SGP Meetings Meeting document AgendaPlanning2015.pdf