Results for Chemical Groups

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Results on page last updated:

Chemical Group: Environmental Phenols

  • Measured in: Urine

Project: California Regional Exposure Study, Los Angeles County (CARE-LA)

CARE LA Study logo, showing California in blue with Los Angeles County in orange
  • Study Group Subset: Women

Unweighted Results

Chemical measured Indicates Exposure to Units Number of people tested Geometric mean 95% Confidence Interval Selected Percentiles Detection Frequency Limit of Detection (LOD), wet-weight
Lower Upper 25th 50th 75th 90th
Triclocarban Triclocarban µg/L 60 * * * <LOD <LOD <LOD 0.211 16.7% 0.100

Project: California Regional Exposure Study, Region 2 (CARE-2)

Logo for the CARE-2 study showing a blue map of California with the eastern part of California in orange
  • Study Group Subset: Adults

Unweighted Results

Chemical measured Indicates Exposure to Units Number of people tested Geometric mean 95% Confidence Interval Selected Percentiles Detection Frequency Limit of Detection (LOD), wet-weight
Lower Upper 25th 50th 75th 95th
Triclocarban Triclocarban µg/L 151 * * * <LOD <LOD <LOD 0.307 11.3% 0.100

Project: California Regional Exposure Study, Region 3 (CARE-3)

Logo for the CARE-3 study showing a blue map of California with Orange and San Diego counties in orange
  • Study Group Subset: Adults

Unweighted Results

Chemical measured Indicates Exposure to Units Number of people tested Geometric mean 95% Confidence Interval Selected Percentiles Detection Frequency Limit of Detection (LOD), wet-weight Notes
Lower Upper 25th 50th 75th 90th
Triclocarban Triclocarban µg/L * * * <LOD <LOD <LOD <LOD 5.6% 0.100 µg/L