Pesticide Drift 2 Study

Lab Collaboration

Analysis of a pesticide in urine samples from adults and children for a study in an agricultural community

Gloved hands holding a test tube

The Pesticide Drift 2 Study assessed exposure from pesticide drift among adults and children in a rural agricultural community in Tulare County.  The study was a collaboration with the Environmental Health Tracking Program in the California Department of Public Health, as well as the nongovernmental organizations Pesticide Action Network of North America, El Quinto Sol, and Commonweal.  Biomonitoring California laboratories analyzed breakdown products of the pesticide chlorpyrifos in urine samples collected as part of this study.

Project Type:

Laboratory collaboration

Project Status:



34 Farmworkers and their children

Sample Collection Date:


Sample Collection Area:

Tulare County

Project Map:

Map of California showing major cities, with Tulare County in green highlight