Biomonitoring California Scientific Guidance Panel Meeting, March 2025
Biomonitoring California
Scientific Guidance Panel Meeting
March 25, 2025: 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Attendees can join the meeting via the webinar online or in the George Alexeeff Environmental Health Library on the 16th floor of the Elihu M. Harris State Office Building at 1515 Clay Street, Oakland, CA.
All times shown below are approximate and subject to change.
Logistics (~12:59 pm)
Rebecca Belloso, MPH, Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA)
Welcome (~1:00 pm)
David Edwards, PhD, Acting Director, OEHHA
Overview of the Meeting (~1:05 pm)
Acting Chair, Scientific Guidance Panel (SGP)
Program Update (~1:10 pm)
Presentation: Nerissa Wu, PhD, MPH, California Department of Public Health (CDPH)
Panel and Audience Questions
Panel Discussion and Input
Break (~1:45 pm)
Update on Perfluoroalkyl and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFASs) and Drinking Water in California (~1:55 pm)
Presentation: Emily Pennoyer, PhD, MPH, Boston University School of Public Health, Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention
Panel and Audience Questions
Open Discussion Period and Input
Presentation: Wendy Linck, PG, PMP, Division of Water Quality, State Water Resources Control Board
Panel and Audience Questions
Open Discussion Period and Input
Open Public Comment Period (~3:45 pm)
Wrap-up and Adjournment (~4:00 pm)
Attendees can participate in the meeting via Zoom Webinar or in the George Alexeeff Environmental Health Library on the 16th floor of the Elihu M. Harris State Office Building at 1515 Clay Street, Oakland, CA. Please be sure to join the webinar online or arrive at the George Alexeeff Environmental Health Library in Oakland at least 5 minutes before the 1:00 pm meeting start time.
You can join the webinar from a PC, Mac, iPad, iPhone or Android device using the following link.
You will be required to enter a valid email address and a screen name. Note that you do not have to enter your actual name; for example, you could use initials instead.
You can also dial in via phone to join the webinar (audio only option). Dial a number based on your current location or one of several toll free numbers available from When prompted, enter the webinar ID of 850 873 97690.
If you are a speaker or SGP member, you will receive your own link to join the webinar.
Meeting Participation and Comment
The order of items on the agenda is subject to change at the discretion of the Chair.
Members of the public and representatives of organizations are invited to participate in the SGP meeting online or at Elihu M. Harris State Office Building in Oakland. To ensure that the meeting proceeds on schedule and all commenters have the opportunity to speak, public comments may be subject to time limits. Questions or comments on an agenda item can be submitted via the Zoom Webinar Q&A function during the meeting, be given in person or sent to
If you have written materials about an agenda item that you would like to submit, please send an electronic copy to Relevant materials will be distributed to the SGP.
Biomonitoring California complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) by ensuring that the facilities are accessible to persons with disabilities, and by providing this notice and information in alternative formats when requested. If you have special accommodation or language needs, please contact the program by calling (916) 324-2829 or by sending an e-mail to TTY/TDD/Speech-to-Speech users may dial 7-1-1 for the California Relay Service. It is requested, but not required, that you contact us at least five days before the meeting so we can ensure that the necessary staff or equipment will be available for you at the meeting.
The webinar will enable automated live captions, but viewing these captions will require Zoom version 5.9.0 or higher. If you rely on this service, please update your Zoom prior to the meeting.