
Title Document Category Document Date Sort ascending Download File
Chemical Selection Update Presentation 0709ChemSelectionUpdate.pdf
Program Update to the Scientific Guidance Panel - July 2009 Presentation 0709ProgramUpdate.pdf
Background and Framing of Results Communication and Report-back Issues Presentation 0709Morello_Frosch.pdf
Environmental Chemistry Laboratory Update - July 2009 Presentation 0709EChemLabUpdate.pdf
Working Discussion of Results Communication Presentation 0709ResultsOverview_DLee.pdf
Potential Designated Chemicals: Pyrethrins and Pyrethroids Presentation 0709Pyrethrins_PyrethroidsOEHHA.pdf
Potential Designated Chemicals: Pesticides Presentation 0709PestOverview.pdf
Potential Designated Pesticides: Iprodione, Octhilinone, Fipronil Presentation 0709IprodioneOcthilinoneFipronil.pdf
Example letters conveying results to study participants from Hines et al. 2009 study Meeting document 0709HinesResultCom.pdf
Fipronil Scientific document 0709Fipronil.pdf
Iprodione Scientific document 0709Iprodione.pdf
Octhilinone Scientific document 0709Octhilinone.pdf
Pyrethrins and Pyrethroids Scientific document 0709PyrethrinsPyrethroids.pdf
Potential Priority Pesticides Table Meeting document 0709PotentialPriorPesticides.pdf
Potential Priority Chemical Table Meeting document 0709PotentialPriorChemicals.pdf
Agenda for Scientific Guidance Panel Meeting, July 28-29, 2009 Agenda July09_SGPAgenda.pdf
Say What? Understanding Health Information Document Health Research for Action Perspectives - August 2007
Designated Chemicals list - March 2009 Chemical list CECBPDesignatedChemicals.pdf
Publication - Environmental and Biological Assessment of Environmental Tobacco Smoke Exposure Among Casino Dealers Other 2005-0201-3080.pdf
Panel Recommendations and Meeting Summary - March 2009 Meeting summary March2009SGPActionItems.pdf
Transcript of Scientific Guidance Panel meeting - March 2 2009 Transcript SGPTranscript3-2-09.pdf
Transcript of Scientific Guidance Panel meeting - March 3, 2009 Transcript SGPTranscript3-3-09.pdf
Engine Manufacturers Association Comments and Presentation Public comment EMApubliccomments03_09.pdf
Additional chemicals that the DTSC and CDPH laboratories can measure currently or will be able to measure in the near future Meeting document CECBadditionalchemicals03_09.pdf
Green Earth Cleaning - List of California Affiliates Public comment GECpubliccomment3_09.pdf