
Title Document Category Document Date Sort ascending Download File
Summary of Panel Input and Recommendations - March 2024 Meeting summary SGPSummary032024.pdf
Agenda for the July 19, 2024 Scientific Guidance Panel Meeting Agenda SGPAgenda71924.pdf
Transcript of the March 20, 2024 Scientific Guidance Panel Meeting Transcript SGPTranscript032024.pdf
CARE webinar slides April 18, 2024 Presentation CARE_Study_webinar_slides.pdf
Nickel Fact Sheet Fact sheet NickelFactSheet.pdf
CARE-LA unweighted results Document CARE-LA_unweighted_results.pdf
CARE-2 unweighted results Document CARE-2_unweighted_results.pdf
CARE report Scientific document CARE_Report.pdf
CARE report - Spanish Scientific document CARE_Report--es.pdf
Wendy Linck - Presentation - March 20, 2024 SGP meeting Presentation Linck032024.pdf
Yan Lin - Presentation - March 20, 2024 SGP meeting Presentation Lin032024.pdf
Jill Johnston - Presentation - March 20, 2024 SGP meeting Presentation Johnston032024.pdf
CARE PFASs and Drinking Water - Presentation to the March 20, 2024 SGP meeting Presentation CARE_PFAS_drinking_water_032024.pdf
Program Update - Presentation at March 2024 SGP meeting Presentation ProgramUpdate032024.pdf
List of Designated Chemicals - March 2024 Chemical list DesignatedChemicalsList_March2024.pdf
List of Priority Chemicals - March 2024 Chemical list PriorityChemicalsList_March2024.pdf
Summary of Panel Input and Recommendations - August 2023 Meeting summary SGPSummary110623AM.pdf
Summary of Panel Input and Recommendations - November 2023 Meeting summary SGPSummary110623PM.pdf
MAMAS map Other MAMAS_main_map.pdf
MAMAS 2 map Other MAMAS2_map.pdf
MAMAS 3 map Other MAMAS3_map.pdf
MAMAS 1 map Other MAMAS1_map.pdf
Agenda for the March 20, 2024 Scientific Guidance Panel Meeting Agenda Agenda for the March 20, 2024 Scientific Guidance Panel Meeting
Transcript of the November 6, 2023 PM Biomonitoring California Scientific Guidance Panel Meeting Transcript SGPTranscript110623PM.pdf
Transcript of the November 6, 2023 AM Biomonitoring California Scientific Guidance Panel Meeting Transcript SGPTranscript110623AM.pdf