Results of the HERMOSA Study: Reducing teenagers' exposures to phthalates and phenols in personal care products
Results of the HERMOSA Study: Reducing teenagers' exposures to phthalates and phenols in personal care products
Results of the HERMOSA Study: Reducing teenagers' exposures to phthalates and phenols in personal care products
Environmental Health Laboratory Update - July 2014
Environmental Health Laboratory Update – March 2014 (corrected version posted 4/1/14)
Firefighter Occupational Exposures (FOX) Project Results- Environmental Phenols: Bisphenol A, Triclosan, and Parabens
Sample FOX Results Return Materials: Set 2 (not actual results)
Materials for the November 8, 2012 Scientific Guidance Panel Meeting
Presentation for November 8, 2012 SGP Meeting