Non-Halogenated Aromatic Phosphates

Example of a non-halogenated aromatic phosphate- Triphenyl phosphate
Biomonitoring California Information
Documents, Presentations, and Publications
Potential Designated Chemicals: Non-Halogenated Aromatic Phosphates | Scientific document | : 031612NhArPvers3.pdf
Potential Priority Chemicals: Non-Halogenated Aromatic Phosphates | Scientific document | : 041113NhArP_priority.pdf
Potential Designated Chemicals: Non-Halogenated Aromatic Phosphates | Presentation | : 031612SGPNhArPhosPresentation.pdf
Potential Priority Chemicals: Non-Halogenated Aromatic Phosphates and Other Bisphenols | Presentation | : 04112013SGPPotentialPriorityChems.pdf