
Title Document Category Document Date Sort ascending Download File
Biomonitoring California Designated Chemicals July 2012 Chemical list DesignatedChemJuly2012.pdf
Discussion questions for Biomonitoring California Scientific Guidance Panel Meeting, July 26, 2012 Meeting document 072612background.pdf
Meeting Summary for the Scientific Guidance Panel meeting, March 16, 2012 Meeting summary MeetingSummaryMarch2012.pdf
Agenda for the Scientific Guidance Panel Meeting, March 16, 2012 Agenda SGPAgendaMarch2012.pdf
Preliminary Screen: Some Bisphenol A Substitutes and Structurally Related Compounds Scientific document 031612PrelimScreen2.pdf
Sample FOX Results Return Materials (not actual results) Document 03162012FOXMockResultsPacket.pdf
Transcript for the Scientific Guidance Panel meeting on March 16, 2012 Transcript SGPTranscript031612.pdf
Potential Designated Chemicals: Non-Halogenated Aromatic Phosphates Scientific document 031612NhArPvers3.pdf
Program Update to the Scientific Guidance Panel, March 16, 2012 Presentation 031612SGPProgramUpdate.pdf
Chemical Selection Planning March 2012 Presentation 031612SGPChemSelPlan.pdf
Summary of Panel Recommendations - November 2011 meeting Meeting summary MeetingSummaryNov2011.pdf
Potential Designated Chemicals: Non-Halogenated Aromatic Phosphates Presentation 031612SGPNhArPhosPresentation.pdf
Transcript of November 10, 2011 Biomonitoring California Scientific Guidance Panel Meeting Transcript SGPtranscriptNov2011.pdf
Public Involvement Plan Document PIPlan_final120611.pdf
Biomonitoring California Laboratory Studies - Request for Information 2011-2012 Document Biomonitoring_RFI.pdf
Nov 2011 SGP meeting - All presentations as a pdf portfolio Presentation Nov102011portfolio.pdf
Environmental Chemistry Laboratory Update Presentation 111011DTSCPetreas.pdf
Biomonitoring for Exposure Assessment: Challenges and Future Directions Presentation CalafatSGPNov2011.pdf
New York State's biomonitoring efforts Presentation AldousSGPNov2011.pdf
Program Update to the Scientific Guidance Panel - Nov. 2011 Presentation 111011CDPHDas.pdf
Summary of Results Return Testing in the Firefighter Occupational Exposures (FOX) Project Presentation FOXUTSGPNov2011.pdf
Washington (State) Environmental Biomonitoring Survey Year 1 (Sept 2009- Aug 2010) Presentation RhodesSGPNov2011.pdf
Environmental Health Laboratory Update - Nov. 2011 Presentation 111011CDPHShe.pdf
Update on Maternal and Infant Environmental Exposure Project (MIEEP or Chemicals in Our Bodies Project) Presentation WoodruffSGPNov2011.pdf
Summary of Panel Recommendations - July 2011 meeting Meeting summary PanelRecJuly2011.pdf
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