
Biomonitoring California Projects

Biomonitoring California conducts biomonitoring projects that test for selected chemicals in people. Some projects examine chemicals in one or two specific groups, such as firefighters, or pregnant women and their newborns.  Other projects are designed to examine chemicals in people living in a specific region. 

Use these lists to access specific pages for each of the projects:

Project participants are selected to represent the group or region being studied.  People who are invited to participate are notified, and can choose whether or not they want to be part of the project.

Information from our projects helps us learn more about the chemicals to which people living in California are exposed.  Preliminary results are currently available.  Additional results will be posted as they become available.

Three Types of Projects

On the projects described above, Biomonitoring California collaborates with academic and medical researchers to look at environmental contaminants in California residents.  

The Program has collaborated with partners in three ways: 

  • Full Project Collaborations - Biomonitoring California designs and carries out the entire study in partnership with other organizations.  This involves:
    • Choosing the population
    • Recruiting participants
    • Collecting survey information and blood and urine samples
    • Conducting laboratory analyses
    • Reporting results to participants 
  • Laboratory Collaborations - Biomonitoring California laboratories analyze blood and urine samples collected by outside partners as part of other research projects. 
  • Partial Collaborations - Biomonitoring California provides technical support to research projects conducted by outside partners. This support may include conducting laboratory analyses and assisting with the development of study protocols and instruments such as exposure questionnaires and results return materials. Principal Investigator is typically not from Biomonitoring California.

In these collaborations, the samples are sent to and analyzed by Biomonitoring California laboratories.

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