
Title Document Category Document Date Sort ascending Download File
Screening for Candidate Pesticides Presentation ScreeningForCandidatePesticides.pdf
Follow-up on Pesticides Presentation Followpesticidesoehha.pdf
Antimicrobials and Synthetic Hormones Used in Animal Husbandry Presentation Antimicrobialsoehha.pdf
Next Steps for Chemical Selection Presentation NextSteps0ehha.pdf
Working Discussion of a Community Biomonitoring Study Presentation WorkingDiscussionoehha.pdf
Cyclosiloxanes Presentation Cyclosiloxanesoehha.pdf
Program Update to the Scientific Guidance Panel - March 2009 Presentation CECBPoehha.pdf
Consideration of Potential Priority Chemicals Presentation PriorityChemoehha.pdf
Chemicals of interest to the Scientific Guidance Panel based on discussion at the December SGP meeting CORRECTED 2/27/09 Chemical list PriorityChemicalTable.pdf
Appendix 1 - List of CDC chemicals. California Biomonitoring Program Report on Public Participation in Chemical Selection Meeting document Appendix1_021909.pdf
Results of Public Participation Activities - Feb 2009: Appendix 4A. Survey on Chemical Selection (English) Document Appendix4A_021909.pdf
Results of Public Participation Activities - Feb 2009: Appendix 2. Excerpts of legislation re Chemical Selection Document Appendix2_021909.pdf
Results of Public Participation Activities - Feb 2009: Appendix 6 - Criteria suggested for selecting chemicals to biomonitor Document Appendix6_021909.pdf
Staff Responses to State Government Query on Chemicals for Biomonitoring Document StateGovReport021909.pdf
Results of Public Participation Activities - Feb 2009: Appendix 3. Agendas for Workshops and Teleconferences Document Appendix3_021909.pdf
Results of Public Participation Activities - Feb 2009: Appendix 7. Populations Identified by survey respondents, workshop participants and email submissions Document Appendix7_021909.pdf
Results of Public Participation Activities - Feb 2009: Appendix 8 - Chemicals identified by workshops and email Document Appendix8_021909.pdf
Results of Public Participation Activities - Feb 2009: Appendix 5. Tabulation of specific chemicals and chemical classes suggested for biomonitoring Document Appendix5_021909.pdf
Agenda for Scientific Guidance Panel meeting - March 2009 Agenda MarchSGPAgenda.pdf
Results of Public Participation Activities - Feb 2010: Appendix 4B. Survey on Chemical Selection (Spanish) Document Appendix4B_021909.pdf
Results of Public Participation Activities on What Chemicals Should be Biomonitored in California - Feb 2009 Document PublicParticipationreport021909.pdf
Brominated and Chlorinated Organic Chemical Compounds Used As Flame Retardants - Additional Information on Four Flame Retardants Scientific document FlameRetardants_FourMore.pdf
Letter from SEHSC: Information regarding cyclic siloxanes, Feb. 13, 2009 Public comment SEHSCpubliccomment2_09.pdf
Panel Recommendations and Meeting Summary, December 2008 Scientific Guidance Panel meeting Meeting summary dec452008recommend.pdf
Transcript of Scientific Guidance Panel Meeting, December 5, 2008 Transcript SGPTrans120508.pdf
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