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Information for Participants - draft for MIEEP / Chemicals in Our Bodies Project Meeting document 020910chembodies.pdf
Potential Priority Chemicals Table Meeting document 020910PotPriorChems.pdf
Pendimethalin Scientific document 020910Pendimethalin.pdf
Agenda for Scientific Guidance Panel Meeting, February 9, 2010 Agenda Feb2010SGPAgenda.pdf
Transcript of October 6, 2009 Scientific Guidance Panel meeting Transcript 091006CECBP_SGP.pdf
Discussion of Priority Chemical List Presentation 100609priorchem.pdf
CECBP Future Directions Presentation 100609CECBPfuture.pdf
Kaiser Permanente Research Program on Genes, Environment and Health Presentation 100609kaiser.pdf
Maternal Infant Environmental Exposure Project - MIEEP Presentation 100609matchild.pdf
Program Update to the Scientific Guidance Panel - Oct. 2009 Presentation 100609actupdate.pdf
Priority Chemicals list - September 2009 Chemical list PriorityChemTable_Cor.pdf
Panel Recommendations and Meeting Summary - July 28-29, 2009 Meeting summary PanelRecJuly2009.pdf
Agenda for Scientific Guidance Panel meeting, October 6, 2009 Agenda October2009SGPAgenda.pdf
Transcript of Scientific Guidance Panel (SGP) Meeting, July 29, 2009 Transcript SGPTranscript072909.pdf
Transcript of Scientific Guidance Panel (SGP) Meeting, July 28, 2009 Transcript SGPTranscript072809.pdf
Environmental Health Laboratory Update - July 2009 Presentation 0709EHLUpdate.pdf
Guiding Questions for Discussion of Results Communication and Related Issues Meeting document 0709GuidingQues.pdf
Results Communication Activities Presentation 0709EnviroTrack_LCopan.pdf
SEHSC Comments on consideration of cyclic siloxanes as priority chemicals Public comment 0709SEHSCcoms.pdf
Next Steps for Chemical Selection Presentation 0709NextStepsSH.pdf
Potential Priority Chemicals Presentation 0709PotPriorChemsOEHHA.pdf
Biomonitoring in Occupational Settings Presentation 0709BiomonOccSettings_JQuint.pdf
Returning Results to participants in the CHAMACOS Birth Cohort Study Presentation 0709Bradman.pdf
Integrating Health Literacy Best Practices in Biomonitoring Results Communication Presentation 0709Brown_Williams.pdf
Publication - Toxic ignorance and right-to-know in biomonitoring results communication Other 0709Morello_Frosh2009.pdf
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