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o‐Phenylphenol Fact Sheet Fact sheet o-PhenylphenolFactSheet.pdf
Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers (PBDEs) Fact Sheet Fact sheet PBDEsFactSheet.pdf
Transcript of the November 8, 2012 Biomonitoring California Scientific Guidance Panel Meeting Transcript Transcript of the November 8, 2012 Biomonitoring California Scientific Guidance Panel Meeting
Input on SGP Agenda Items for 2013 Presentation Input on SGP Agenda Items for 2013
Program Update to the Scientific Guidance Panel - November 2012 Presentation Program Update to the Scientific Guidance Panel; November 8, 2012
Chemical Selection Planning - Synthetic Musks Presentation Chemical Selection Planning - Synthetic Musks
Biomonitoring California Results - October 2012 Update Document Biomonitoring California Results - October 2012 Update
Report to the Scientific Guidance Panel, EHL Update and Preliminary Results for Some Environmental Phenols and Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons Presentation 11082012SGPCDPHEHL.pdf
The California Teachers Study: Persistent Organic Pollutants and Breast Cancer Study Background and Preliminary Results Presentation The California Teachers Study: Persistent Organic Pollutants and Breast Cancer Study Background and Preliminary Results
Highlights of 2012 Data Summary Report Report 2012DataSumRtHighlight.pdf
Use of PBPK modeling to reduce uncertainty in risk assessment: Example of manganese Presentation 111010Hamner.pdf
Potential Designated Chemicals: p,p'-bisphenols and diglycidyl ethers of p,p'-bisphenols Presentation Potential Designated Chemicals: p,p'-bisphenols and diglycidyl ethers of p,p'-bisphenols
Biomonitoring California Data Summary Report July 2012 Report 2012DataSumRpt.pdf
Agenda for Scientific Guidance Panel Meeting November 8, 2012 Agenda Agenda for Scientific Guidance Panel Meeting November 8, 2012
Potential Designated Chemicals: p,p’-Bisphenols and Diglycidyl Ethers of p,p’-Bisphenols Scientific document Potential Designated Chemicals: p,p’-Bisphenols and Diglycidyl Ethers of p,p’-Bisphenols
Variability in excretion of urinary metabolites of toxicants with short half-lives: Implications for results communication and interpretation Presentation 07262012SGP2012Bradman.pdf
Program Update to the Scientific Guidance Panel - July 2012 Presentation 07262012SGPJul2012ProgramUpdate.pdf
DTSC Laboratory Update Presentation 07262012SGPJul2012ECL.pdf
Agenda for Scientific Guidance Panel Meeting, July 26, 2012 Agenda SGPAgenda072612.pdf
Presentation by Dr. Asa Bradman - July 2012 Presentation 07262012SGP2012Bradman.pdf
Transcript of the July 2012 Scientific Guidance Panel meeting Transcript July2012SGPTranscript_Final.pdf
Chemical Selection Update - July 2012 Presentation 07262012SGPJul2012OEHHA.pdf
Panel Input and Recommendations - July 2012 Meeting summary July2012MeetingSum.pdf
Variability discussion at July 26, 2012 meeting Public comment 072612HaysAylward.pdf
Environmental Health Laboratory Update - July 2012 Presentation 07262012SGPJul2012EHLB.pdf
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