
Title Document Category Document Date Sort ascending Download File
List of Designated Chemicals - October 2017 Chemical list DesignatedChemicalsList_October2017.pdf
List of Priority Chemicals - October 2017 Chemical list PriorityChemicalsList_October2017.pdf
Agenda for November 9, 2017 Scientific Guidance Panel meeting Agenda SGPAgenda110917.pdf
CDPH Richmond Campus - BART Shuttle Schedule Other Shuttle Schedule 08-10-2017.pdf
Potential Designated Chemicals: Organophosphorus Pesticides Presentation PotDesigOrganophosPestPresent07202017.pdf
Jon Sobus - SGP Presentation - July 2017 Presentation Sobus07202017.pdf
Presentation - Potential Designated Chemicals: Organophosphorus Pesticides Presentation PotDesigOrganophosPestPresent07202017.pdf
Glyphosate Biomonitoring: Challenges and Opportunities Presentation GeronaAdams07202017.pdf
Nerissa Wu - Program News and Updates - SGP July 2017 Presentation ProgramUpdatePresent07202017.pdf
Summary of Panel Input and Recommendations - March 2017 Meeting summary SGPSummary030817.pdf
Background Materials for Jon Sobus Presentation Meeting document BackgroundRefsSobus072017.pdf
Transcript of the March 8, 2017 Biomonitoring California Scientific Guidance Panel Meeting Transcript 030817SGPTranscript.pdf
Map of Shuttle Pick-up at El Cerrito Del Norte BART Other Shuttle-stop_map2.pdf
Potential Designated Chemicals: Organophosphorus Pesticides Scientific document PotenDesig_OrganophosphorusPesticides_072017.pdf
Agenda for July 20, 2017 Scientific Guidance Panel Meeting Agenda Agenda for July 20, 2017 Scientific Guidance Panel meeting
Thomas Webster - SGP Presentation - March 2017 Presentation Webster03082017.pdf
Nerissa Wu - SGP Presentation - March 2017 Presentation Wu03082017.pdf
Breysse Presentation to March 2017 SGP Presentation Breysse03082017.pdf
Biomonitoring California Analytical Capability SGP March 2017 Meeting document BiomCALabAnal032017.pdf
Summary of Panel Input and Recommendations - November 2016 Meeting summary SGPMeetingSummaryNovember2016.pdf
Possible Topics for 2017 SGP meetings Presentation Presentation at Biomonitoring California Scientific Guidance Panel Meeting, November 2016
Discussion Questions for March 8, 2017 SGP Meeting Meeting document
Agenda for Scientific Guidance Panel Meeting March 8, 2017 Agenda March 2017-SGP Agenda.pdf
Transcript of the November 3, 2016 Biomonitoring California Scientific Guidance Panel Meeting Transcript Transcript from November 3, 2016 SGP meeting
Program Update to the Scientific Guidance Panel - November 2016 Presentation ProgramUpdate110316.pdf
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